
WeChat Business 2-step Integration

Sign in to the WeChat Official Accounts Platform

  1. Using your sign-in credential, sign to the WeChat Official Accounts Platform.

  2. Navigate to the Basic Configuration | 基本配置 page.

  3. Find the AppID and add it to the corresponding field on the platform.

  4. To generate the App Secret, you will have to pass two verification steps.

  5. Scan a QR code on the webpage

  6. Re-enter your account password

  7. Once you've completed the security measures, a brand new App Secret will be generated. Add it to the corresponding field on the platform.

  8. Click Submit.

  9. Copy the list of whitelisted IPs in your WeChat Business channel

  10. Add Whitelisted IPs on the WeChat Official Accounts Platform

  11. On the WeChat Official Accounts Platform, click the Change Configuration button to open the Server Configurations dialog.

  12. Add the generated URL from the platform to the URL field on the WeChat platform.

  13. Add the generated Token from the platform to the Token field on the WeChat platform.

  14. On the WeChat platform, generate the encoding key and select Plain Text Mode for message encryption.

  15. Enable the configuration Locate the green enable button and click it. The button will then change to red.

Last updated